EMPRESS is the training and mastermind-style experience for the self-led, entrepreneurial woman who is ready to fully embrace her personal sovereignty to build a thriving, immensely satisfying & profitable business.
Create your perfect balance
of masculine energy of doing and feminine energy of being in flow.

We start June 13, 2023.
a woman who is a sovereign ruler of great power and rank, especially one ruling an empire.
When I think of a modern day empress, I think of a woman who has sovereignty over herself and her emotions. She is calm, powerful, kind, trusts herself and knows when to take action. She is an entrepreneur who is passionate about her work and at ease with allowing big money to flow into her hands.
She learns from her mistakes and understands that the path to greatness, however she defines it, is created by making bold moves, trusting her intuition, and by taking consistent & aligned action. She is in it for the long game. She takes great pleasure and finds deep meaning in her work and her life, knowing that the wealth she creates is also for the good of all. Empress is your invitation to step into who you really are.
Empress is a training and mastermind style 6-week program created for the woman in business to help her unify masculine and feminine energies that will allow her to create a life of flow alongside exponential growth.
Empress is not a how to program that focuses on strategy alone. I am not proposing that strategy isn’t important or that it doesn’t have its place. The conversation in Empress is centered, in part, on the discussion around creating or finding a strategy that works for you versus following a cookie-cutter “proven method” that doesn’t align with who you know you are. Empress is also a program that speaks to finding and getting in tune with your unique frequency so you can share your powerful gifts with your soul-aligned clients.
It’s not only what you do & the actions you take, but also who you are being when you’re building and operating your business.
Women around the globe are waking up to this new paradigm of leadership that integrates feminine and masculine energies.
Are you ready to walk shoulder to shoulder with myself and the other women in Empress? Are you ready to claim your seat at the table?
⚡️ Empress is for the woman in any realm of business who is ready to uplevel her life holistically and grow her business exponentially in a way that feels immensely satisfying and aligned.
⚡️ Empress is for the woman who leads herself and enjoys the fruits that come with taking action as well as deep awareness & reflection.
⚡️ Empress is for the woman who desires to prioritize her joy, health, relationships while running or growing a thriving business.
⚡️ Empress is for the woman who is ready to take radical responsibility for herself and her life, business included.
⚡️ Empress is for the woman who is excited about claiming a seat at the table and having open discussions with other women around her business.

⏳ Empress is not for the woman who is unwilling to take a deep look within to uncover where she may be holding herself back.
⏳ Empress is not for the woman who is looking for someone or something to blame about why she is where she is.
⏳ Empress is not for the woman who is looking for a cookie-cutter step-by-step approach of how to build a business.
- Five-week experience
- 4 group calls
- Open chat on Telegram for Empresses for the duration of the program
- Friday masterminding on Telegram with Barbie who has made over 12 million dollars in business
- Guest speaker on relationship between pleasure and business
A note about class structure...
I am a very intuitive teacher and mentor. The course material may change based on the energetics of the class. The above is a rough outline to give you a sneak peek of topics covere
Themes and Topics:
- Opening ceremony and introductions
- Coming home to your body and its relationship to business
- Trusting your sacred wisdom and intuition
- Energetics of selling
- Taking consistent aligned action directed by your intuition
- Creating offers that set your soul on fire
- Attracting soul-aligned clients
- Building a business by being your authentic self
- Taking radical self-responsibility
- Empowering your masculine and feminine energies to maximize your growth and joy
- Utilizing empowering language to attract your soul-aligned clients

Feel peaceful, joyful, purposeful, creative, activated, confident, and empowered while taking aligned action to build your thriving business.

 I am Dr. Barbie Kalev.
I have earned a cumulative 8 figures in the online space through direct sales and offering my customized programs, mastermind, and mentoring experiences. My 16+ years in the online space and the almost five decades on this planet have given me a unique vantage point and have allowed me to embody wisdom that I now pour into my clients and team to help them create extraordinary success.Â
My unique programs are for soul-led individuals who are ready to tap into the intangible world of manifestation, energetics, mindset, identity work, and aligned action in order to create a beautiful, tangible reality from the inside out. Clients in my programs come from all walks of life. Whether they are entrepreneurs or not, what they all have in common is a desire and readiness to step into their next level version of their lives.Â
What sets me apart is that I have been a 7-figure earner for over a decade and I have truly integrated how to operate from both feminine and masculine energies. It wasn’t always like this. I know what it’s like to function in the world of non-stop doing, of feeling like “if it’s up to be it’s up to me” mentality, and hitting a wall, but not knowing a more fruitful, more enjoyable & profitable way. It took me years of deep learning and integrating in order to master the masculine energy of strategy, systems, action–which comes quite naturally for me–with the feminine energy of trusting my own intuition, wisdom, magnetism, and all that comes with that realm. It is this embodied, integrated wisdom, knowledge, and skills that I bring to you in my programs, mastermind and mentorship.